Performance Therapy — Tensor Fasciae Latae
Taping for Trigger Points in the TFL
Posted by Stuart Hinds on
TFL (tensor fasciae latae) trigger points are associated with a wide range of common hip and knee dysfunction are often encountered in a highly resistant form. Pain is also commonly referred down the lateral thigh and to the knee. In many cases, the pain will be referred to the knee only. In this video, Stuart Hinds demonstrates the taping technique used to address TFL trigger points.
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- Tags: Hip, Knee, Pelvis, Taping, Tensor Fasciae Latae, TFL, Trigger Point Therapy
Using the Modified Ober's Test to Assess TFL and ITB
Posted by Stuart Hinds on
Stuart Hinds explains the Modified Ober's Test, used to evaluate a tight, contracted or inflamed tensor fasciae latae and iliotibial band. Any form of hip restriction is often a strong indicator of trigger point activity.