Performance Therapy — biceps brachii

Five Stretches for Elbow & Wrist Pain

Posted by Stuart Hinds on

Five Stretches for Elbow & Wrist Pain

Myofascial Trigger Points (MTPs) are ubiquitous, and myofascial pain affects as much as 85% of the population at some time in their life. The impact of myofascial pain on health can be severe as patients not only suffer from pain and loss of function, but also from impaired mood and decreased quality of life. Elbow and wrist pain are common, and may often be associated with trigger points in the muscles of the upper arm, lower arm, and shoulder. Stretching alone is unlikely to dissipate trigger points, but it may help accelerate the process as part of a broader treatment...

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Trigger Point Release - Biceps/Pec Minor Muscle Strain

Posted by Stuart Hinds on

Trigger Point Release - Biceps/Pec Minor Muscle Strain

Stuart Hinds demonstrates some techniques for treating biceps brachii and pectoral pain.   Bicipital Tendinitis Bicipital tendinitis is a condition caused by irritation and inflammation to the biceps brachii, a tendon that lies on the front of the shoulder and allows elbow flexion and supination of the forearm. Overuse of the biceps brachii can result in inflammation and irritation of the tendon of the long head of biceps occurs as it moves up and down in the intertubercular (bicipital) groove of the humerus. Inflammation can be to the tendon itself or to the tendon sheath or paratenons. This condition is commonly...

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