Calculating CPE points for Inner Circle membership

Posted by Stuart Hinds on

Our Inner Circle membership has heaps of benefits, but one that many members forget is that you can earn Continuing Professional Education (CPE) points with your professional association. 

Every time you participate in a workshop, tune into a workshop, or watch any of our huge library of videos and courses, you're accruing valuable CPE points. 


How do I earn CPE points with my membership?

All you need to do is keep a log of your activities that records the date you participated in the activity, the duration the activity lasted, and what what the activity was. 

Exactly what activities count will depend on your association. According to Massage & Myotherapy Australia (MMA), for example, courses related to either massage training or business development can count towards your CPE total. 


How many CPE points can I claim from my membership?

It actually depends on what you do and the rules with your professional association. Using MMA as an example again, you can allocate: 

  • 5 points for activities of 1-3 hours duration
  • 10 points for activities of 4-8 hours duration
  • 20 points for activities of 2 days or longer duration

So even if all you do with your Inner Circle membership is turn up to the monthly members' webinar, you would still have earned 50 points alone - more than enough to meet the 30 or 40 CPE points minimum for massage or remedial therapist set by MMA. 


Do I need to submit invoices or certificates with my CPE points diary? 

According to MMA, you only need to submit your diary. You don't need to submit invoices, certifications, or any other proof of your activities. It is recommended you keep these record yourself, however, in the event you're audited by health funds or the AAMT office.  


How do I keep proof of attending a workshop or monthly members' webinar? 

We don't issue certificates of attendance for webinar participation. However, every webinar is recorded and saved to the Inner Circle group, so you can easily reference these files in the event that you need proof of attendance. 

Because the current model supports self-directed learning, it's generally best practice for you to record as much detail about your training as possible. In the case of the monthly webinars, this could be the permalink to the video in the members' group: 

Permalink to video file in the Inner Circle Facebook group

What about other associations like AMT or ATMS?

Each professional association calculates CPE points differently, so we always recommend you check the rules around what counts and what you need to record. It's worth it to check so you don't accidentally rob yourself of the professional development you're undertaking just by being a member of the Inner Circle. 

Got more questions?

If there's something else about CPE you want clarification around, just leave a comment and we'll answer the best we can. 
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