Performance Therapy — Taping

Taping for Trigger Points in the Gluteus Medius

Posted by Stuart Hinds on

Taping for Trigger Points in the Gluteus Medius

Stuart Hinds presents a technique for using tape to provide an off-loading effect when treating trigger points in the Gluteus Medius. This muscle is mostly deep-to and is therefore obscured by the Gluteus Maximus, but appears on the surface between the Gluteus Maximus and the TFL.

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Taping for the Trapezius

Posted by Stuart Hinds on

Taping for the Trapezius

Stuart Hinds demonstrates the taping technique for trigger points in the trapezius. Research supports the use of taping as a treatment aid in managing shoulder impingement problems. Subacromial impingement syndrome is the most common shoulder complaint in orthopaedic clinics (44–65%) and the most frequent cause of shoulder pain in over-arm athletes.

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Taping for Levator Scapulae

Posted by Stuart Hinds on

Taping for Levator Scapulae

Stuart Hinds demonstrates the taping technique for Levator Scapulae trigger points. The levator scapulae is deep to the SCM and the trapezius. It is named after its action of elevating the scapula. It also helps bend the neck laterally.

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